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Strange Cloud Formation/ UFO Mothership Over Moscow October 6, 2009

For more weather anomalies, please visit: A very strange looking cloud formation/Ufo Mothership filmed in Moscow on October 6, 2009. HAARP induced? What do you th...

Más de: 2012gregg

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cooshtube (hace 24 minutos) Mostrar Ocultar
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thats gotta be haarp at work
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i.m. h.e.r.e.
psapocalypse (hace 4 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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that dot was edited in, i can tell.
Experiment47 (hace 4 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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UFO stands for unidentified flying object.
Mothership is an identifying label.
It is an oxymoron.
Military intelligence is not an oxymoron.
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I truly can't wait to meet them.
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This is a very strange phenomena and the first time I have seen this film footage. Their is no doubt in my mind we are not alone on this planet and I like so many others believe they do have a base under the deep oceans of this planet. It's time the truth we have all being lied to about be known to the whole world.
skypicy (hace 4 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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HOLY SHIT TEEDOT U ARE RIGHT BETWEN 5 AND 7 tho the lower right of the clound...something went zoom! zoom!...shit...
AntidotoVil (hace 4 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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hahahahahaha LMAO i saw that bird too
Backyardpara (hace 8 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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If this was real, how come none of the News agencies over the world has reported about this phenomena? Then again, why arent there any other films on Youtube showing it?? The answer is simple; Its a fake! But its surely cool.
turtleof3 (hace 9 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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Wow .. that is so sweet. I mean i wouldn't want to be there of course. But it def looks hello real!

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